Examiner Application Deadline


Thursday, August 15, 2024

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  • To be considered as an examiner you must have been a Diplomate for at least 3 years and in good
    standing with the ABOI/ID.
    • Examiners will be chosen on a yearly basis with no term specified to service as an examiner. You may be
    selected as a proctor for the first year or two. As a proctor you will sit in on several exam sessions before
    being paired up with another examiner.
    • No examiner shall serve for more than ten (10) years, however in the case of an emergency, it will
    be at the discretion of the Part II Examination Chair to appoint an examiner.
    • Examiners are not compensated for their service as an examiner to the ABOI/ID. Examiners are
    reimbursed for their travel expenses and other reasonable expenses that are outlined in the ABOI/ID
    reimbursement policy.
    • If selected, you will be required to complete confidentiality agreement, conflict of interest and
    disclosure forms provided by the ABOI/ID.
    • To continue service as an examiner, you must resubmit an application every three (3) years.

If interested, please fill out the application and email it to diplomate@aboi.org

Examiner Application

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